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          Heritage hidden within the language

09 - 16 February 2019, Velingrad, Bulgaria

Click on the links below the text to watch the presentations about languages made by students- participants 

Cultural heritage is well hidden and spread through language. Our languages played an important role in preserving cultural value which has been shared for generations. Thus, it was important moment that our students had a look at language issues and compared them with other partner languages  as well as English language. 


Considering innovative methodology and modern techniques are nowadays discussed and new perspectives brought into school to enrich traditional ways of teaching languages and motivate students learn and be able to use authentic publications, online materials, articles and magazines in their study. One of these innovative methods is CLIL – content language integrated learning. The teachers who attended the mobility in the Bulgarian school took part in an introductory CLIL lesson conducted by a host teacher with participating students and together we prepared a CLIL lesson plan template for use during next mobilities or for regular classes. The participants also learned about other sites of cultural heritage of the great importance in the south west of Bulgaria, improved their teaching and learning competences, language competences and saw deeper into 6 different European languages.


The Bulgarian partner provided an educational visit to the Bulgarian school system, the presentation of CLIL materials prepared  by an experienced Bulgarian teacher. Bulgarian school conducted this activity and after the lesson the responsible teacher sent the criteria and the template to prepare materials and conduct the CLIL lesson during the next meeting in Slovakia. We shared our experience and good practises for CLIL lessons. The partners are motivated to prepare ready-to-use materials for Geography /History/English or other subjects and enhance cross- curricular approach in their school curriculum.
Host students conducted an introductory lesson with the very basics of Bulgarian - “Language is culture”. This helped the foreign participants feel less ‘foreign’ during their visit.

The participants also went on a trip to Plovdiv, European capital of culture for 2019, to illustrate its presentation live and did a historical quiz on the bus. They also took an excursion to Melnik and Rupite - mountains with history.
Students learned about the topic of the project Heritage hidden in language with focus on Cultural heritage hidden within the language. Special featuress "Proverbs and sayings" were introduced in all 6 national languages" - students presented their work - they had looked for similar and different language issues, compared the specific features and sounds in all 6 languages + English, performed language drama sketches which they had prepared in advance and took part mixed group work in the host school.  They produced a booklet of proverbs / sayings for use in their language classes with.  
The Google Hangout /Skype conference failed due to bad weather conditions (heavy snowfall damaged the wires). The school TV report was made to report the mobility on the spot.


Presentation about the Slovak language                      Presentation about the Polish language                            Presentation about the Lithuanian language                      Presentation about the Bulgarian language

Presentation about the Portuguese language                    Presentation about the Greek  language (Cyprus)


Bulgaria    - final video 


CLIL  lesson plans







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